Looking for Distributors
in your community?
Look below to see if there is one in your area yet. Our distributors and retailers have entered into relationship with Grandpa’s to carry our line of 100% Natural Fertilizer in your area. If you are a garden retailer, business or Local Garden Club with a business license; you could be a Grandpa’s retailer for your area.
Grandpa’s Retailers & Distributors are listed by community in Alphabetical order.
Anchor Point, AK.
- Anchor Point Greenhouse
- Makers of Fishy Peat
- 33851 Alder Street, Anchor Point, Alaska 99556
- Phone (907) 399-1580 or (907) 235-7288
- anchorpointgreenhousellc.com
Anchorage, AK.
- Alaska Mill & Feed and Garden Center
- Distributors throughout Alaska
- 1501 E. 1 st Avenue, Anchorage
- Phone: (907) 276-6016
Homer, AK.
- Panama Red’s in Homer
- Gardening Center
- Find them in the mini mall next to Katchemak Bay Gear Shed
- 38792 Kalifonsky Beach Road, Kenai, Ak.
- (907)283-6010
- Gardening Center
- Wagon Wheel Garden & Pet
- Find them on the way to the Homer Spit
- Find them on the way to the Homer Spit
- 1506 Ocean Dr., Homer, Ak. 99603
- Phone (907) 235-8777 or (907) 299-8701
- Ulmer’s Hardware
- 3858 Lake St., Homer, Ak. 99603
- 3858 Lake St., Homer, Ak. 99603
- Phone (907) 235-8594
Kasilof, AK.
Jackson Garden’s
- 48195 Johns Rd. Kasilof, AK. 99610
- find them on facebook.com/jacksongardensak
- [email protected]
- Home of Grandpa’s (Wholesale only to any businesses)
- Point of Contact: Michael
- Phone (907) 394-1615
- 24000 Kalifornsky Beach Rd. Kasilof, Alaska
- GrandpasGotWorms.com
Kenai, AK.
- Panama Reds
- 38792 Kalifornsky Beach Rd.
- Mile 14.7 K-Beach Rd., Kenai
- Phone (907) 283-6010
- Point of Contact: Carl Sanche
- Indoor Gardening Supply
- 38792 Kalifornsky Beach Rd.
Seldovia, AK.
- Thyme on the Boardwalk
- Phone (907) 262-4698
- 184 Bay Street, Seldovia, AK
- thymeontheboardwalk.com
Soldotna, AK.
Trustworthy Hardware
- 44648 Sterling Hwy, Soldotna, AK 99669
- (907) 262-4655
- Cad-Re Feeds & Grandma’s Cupboard
- Phone (907) 262-4698
Wasilla, AK
- Ken’s Garden Center
- 4121 Dimond Way, Wasilla, AK.
- Phone (907) 982-9804
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